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Hello! I’m Alexandra Parker

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About Me

My Story

I am a hardworking, motivated and sociable individual as demonstrated throughout my 7 years in higher education. My organisation and time management as also second nature due to my managing school work, extra-curricular activities and undertaking a part-time job walking dogs for local residents.  I also have the ability to think on my feet, work as part of a team and participate in challenging experiences such as completing the Duke of Edinburgh – Bronze award in 2016 and graduating from the National Citizens Service in the summer of 2017.   This also made me more resilient and motivated to try new things.

I am very interested in increasing my business knowledge during A Levels and feel that I would suit working in a busy environment that offers to scope for progression.   My long-term aspirations would be to become be part of a marketing/ event team where I could use my communication skills, business knowledge and creativity. However I am interested in pursuing a career in other aspects of business. 

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My Experience

Background & Expertise

Sucden Financial – Work Experience

Summer 2018

Work experience to gain exposure to various departments of this City Brokerage firm.  I spent a week working in the following departments:  Finance, Marketing, Facilities and then spent a day on the London Metal Exchange floor.

Eat At The Works/ Front of House / Summer Job

April 2018 - September 2018

Time management and keeping on top of fast moving and demanding service.
Working as part of a team to ensure that the front of house communicates well and provides high level customer service.  
Not being afraid to try out new tasks and jobs if needed such as working in the kitchen, end of shift cleaning and making creative milk shakes and drinks.

Dog Walker/Sitter, Part-time for local residents

February 2016 - April 2018

Improved time management and communication skills gained by ensuring a timely service and regular updates to the owner on how the dogs were during their walks.  
Information gathering – keep a log of each dog likes and dislikes, habits and food requirements including allergies and whether treats could be given during walks. Also log any problems, illnesses or difficulties.
Demonstrated resilience and when dealing with more difficult or mature dogs that require more care and attention.

New Hall School, Voluntary Work via NHPA

September 2014-2016

Voluntary Work with Special Needs Children at a local school.
Offering a caring approach to each situation and try to build confidence in the children.
Being able to be a good listener and communicate effectively with the children in the group. 
Show commitment in attending on a regular basis as this provides stability to the children.
Show enthusiasm to encourage the children to communicate and participate in conversation or games.

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What I’ve Learned

My education has not only provided the foundation for the rest of my experiences, but has also made me a lifelong learner who is eager to gain more skills and knowledge. Take a look at my academics below.

Moulsham High School - A Levels


Business Management – Equivalent to 2 A Levels (Exploring Business, Developing a Marketing Campaign,  Personal and Business Finance, Managing an Event, International Business, Principles of Management, Recruitment and Selection Process and Investigating Customer Service)

Drama and Theatre Studies 

Photography (Year 12)





New Hall School - GCSE


Drama (Special Talent Awarded in Drama)  A*
Mathematics 4
English Language 6
English Literature 5
Chemistry, Biology and Physics (Double Science) C/C
Geography B 
Theology B, 
Photography B
Drama (Special Talent Awarded in Drama)

St Mary's School for Girls


Drama Scholarship Awarded

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My Skills

Good Communication Skills

Ability to work as part of a team

Good proficiency Microsoft & Powerpoint and basic knowledge of Excel

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Let’s Connect


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"Always deliver more than expected"

Larry Page Co-Founder of Google

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